At the September 19 City Council meeting, the City Council unanimously voted to approve new operating hours at the Goleta Valley Library. The number of hours the library is open (55 hours) will remain the same. However the new hours will maximize convenience and access for patrons by opening earlier on Mondays. Effective October 1, 2017, the local branch will be open the following hours:
Sunday: 1pm – 5pm
Monday: 10am – 7pm*
Tuesday: 10am – 7pm*
Wednesday: 10am – 7pm*
Thursday: 10am – 7pm*
Friday: 10am – 5:30pm
Saturday: 10am – 5:30pm
* = new hours
At the August 15 City Council meeting, councilmembers unanimously voted to take over direct control of the Goleta Library effective July 1, 2018. City staff are working on all of the steps that need to be completed in order for the Goleta Library to be recognized as a municipal library. We are happy to share that one of those steps has just been completed. The City was recently accepted into Black Gold as a new member. Obtaining membership into Black Gold was an important milestone, as it will allow the Goleta Library to continue benefiting from the cooperative’s collection materials (books and electronic materials) that are distributed and shared among the member libraries in the region.
Sign up here to get the latest library news delivered to your inbox and visit http://www.cityofgoleta.org/projects-programs/studies-and-other-projects/goleta-library for more information on the Goleta Library including Council’s August 15, 2017, decision to take over management by July 1, 2018.