Now is the time to get a smart thermostat if you don’t already have one. They save energy, are easy to use, and help you heat or cool your home to be the perfect temperature when you return. In addition, Southern California Edison (SCE) and SoCalGas have a rebate program going on now through 12/31/2017 for new or existing smart thermostats where customers can receive a $125 bill credit. To qualify, enroll your smart thermostat in the Save Power Days Program funded by SCE and SoGalGas. SCE customers who are not also SoCalGas customers can still receive a $75 credit. Participate in program events such as using less energy during peak hours by cooling or heating your home ahead of time and earn up to an additional $60 per year in bill credits. Learn more at https://pages.email.sce.com/SCESmartBonus/.