Goleta has received only 74% of normal rainfall to date this season, putting the area on track for a fourth year of below average rainfall. Lake Cachuma water levels continue to drop, with the lake now only at 28% of capacity at the beginning of March, underscoring the extreme drought conditions gripping the region. The U.S. Drought Monitor recognizes Santa Barbara County as being in “exceptional drought,” their most severe category.
As we head into the drier summer months, conserving water is critical. Despite the ability to use stored groundwater to meet customer needs, every drop we can save now is a drop we can use in the future as the drought persists.
Goleta Water District customers are among the water thriftiest in the state. According to State Water Resource Control Board numbers on California water suppliers serving 40,000 or more customers, Goleta Water District residential customers ranked third in the state for the smallest number of gallons used per day. Given the community’s ongoing commitment to conservation the District has recently added several new incentive and rebate programs to help our residential, commercial, and agricultural customers save even more.
- The Smart Landscape Rebate Program replaces existing landscaping with waterwise plants and efficient irrigation equipment. Receive up to $1,000 for single family residential, or $2,000 per meter (up to two meters) for commercial and multifamily.
- Our Demonstration Gardens featuring waterwise landscaping examples to inspire ideas and demonstrate irrigation efficiency techniques such as mulching, drip irrigation, and rain catchment systems. Free mulch is available from the County of Santa Barbara at http://www.lessismore.org/Programs/mulch.html
- The Water Saving Incentive Program allows commercial and agricultural customers to design custom water saving programs that will work for their businesses. Qualifying programs and customers can receive up to 50% of eligible project costs, or $5,000 per site.
- Water saving tips and resources are also available on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
The District continues to offer our popular Water Saving Devices targeting indoor water use. Customers can stop by the District Office at 4699 Hollister Avenue between 8 am and 5pm to pick up low flow a leak detection kit, a low-flow shower head, a hose shut-off nozzle, or a Low-flow bathroom faucet aerator while supplies last.
Also don’t forget Daylight Saving Time starts March 8th, so check your sprinkler timers to comply with current Stage II Water Shortage Emergency restrictions.
Conservation remains the most cost effective tool to get through this difficult drought. Let’s all save water together!