Would You Like to Serve Your Community?

 The City of Goleta is currently accepting applications from citizens who are interested in serving on the City’s various Commissions, Committees and Boards.

Parks and Recreation Commission Vacancy

The Parks and Recreation Commission discusses the needs, opportunities and current offerings of parks and recreation activities, and advise the City Council on all issues related to parks and recreational opportunities in Goleta. The Parks and Recreation Commission is composed of seven members and are compensated at the rate of $50 per meeting. The Parks and Recreation Commission members shall be compensated at the rate of $50.00 per meeting.  The student commissioner may choose to waive their compensation to receive community service credit.

One (1) appointment will be made to the Parks and Recreation Commission:

  • Student commissioner shall serve a one year term

Eligible applicants must live in the City of Goleta. The Commission holds six regular meetings and may hold additional meetings as needed. Deadline for application submittal is Monday, October 5, 2015. by 5:00 p.m..

Public Tree Advisory Commission Vacancy

The Public Tree Advisory Commission provides advice to staff and the City Council in developing plans and goals for the Goleta Urban Forest, represent the interests of the community and inform the community of the Urban Forestry program as directed by the City Council.

One (1) appointment will be made to the Public Tree Advisory Commission. To be eligible to apply, candidates must reside within Goleta City limits and should have an interest in and/or experience in urban forestry or landscaping. Commissioners are appointed by the City Council and serve four year terms which expire at the first regular meeting of the first February following the expiration of the current term of office of the City Councilmember who appointed the Commission member. The Commission holds meetings on an as-needed basis. Deadline for application submittal is Monday, August 10, 2015 by 5:00 p.m.

Design Review Board Vacancies

The Design Review Board is a seven-member body with responsibility to encourage development that exemplifies the best professional design practices so as to enhance the visual quality of the environment and prevent poor quality of design. The members shall be skilled in reading and interpreting architectural and landscape drawings and able to judge the effects of a proposed building, structure, landscaping or sign upon the desirability, and development of surrounding areas. The Design Review Board meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 3:00 p.m. and are compensated at the rate of $50.00 per meeting.

Three (3) appointments will be made to the Design Review Board for the following positions. Members will be appointed to a three year term:

  • Landscape professional
  • At-large position (must live in the City of Goleta)

Deadline for application submittal is Monday, December 7, 2015 by 5:00 p.m.

Santa Barbara Coastal Vector Control District Board of Trustees Vacancy

The Board of Trustees consists of 8 members, 5 of which are appointed by the County Board of Supervisors and 3 of which are appointed by the City Councils of the member Cities of Carpinteria, Goleta, and Santa Barbara according to the provisions of the “Mosquito Abatement and Vector Control District Law” under the California Health and Safety Code Section 2022.

The City of Goleta is currently accepting applications from citizens who are interested in serving on the Santa Barbara Coastal Vector Control District Board of Trustees.  The Santa Barbara Coastal Vector Control District meets on the second Thursdays of the month at 2:00 p.m.

One (1) appointment will be made to the Santa Barbara Coastal Vector Control District Board.  To be eligible to apply, candidates must reside within the City of Goleta.  Appointments will be for a two year term and commences on the first Monday in January 2016. Deadline for application submittal is Monday, December 7, 2015 by 5:00 p.m.

Santa Barbara County Library Advisory Committee Vacancy

The City Council of the City of Goleta invites applications for the Santa Barbara County Library Advisory Committee (1 Position).

This is an opportunity to make a valuable contribution to the Goleta community by participating in decision-making process on a wide variety of Library issues.

To be eligible to apply, candidates must reside within the City of Goleta. Appointments are one-year terms which run from July 1 to June 30 each year. Deadline for application submittal is Monday, August 3, 2015 by 5:00 p.m.

Applications may be obtained from, and must be returned to, the Deborah Lopez, City Clerk, City of Goleta, 130 Cremona Drive, Suite B, Goleta, CA 93117. An application form is also available at the City’s website at www.cityofgoleta.org. Additional information can be provided by calling (805) 961-7505.

Warner Promises Barnsdall-Rio Grande Gas Station to City

On June 11, Ty Warner announced his decision to donate the historic Barnsdall-Rio Grande Gas Station to the City of Goleta.  Originally part of the Sandpiper Golf Course property, Mr. Warner’s contribution of the Spanish colonial-designed station includes both the structure and the surrounding land access.

The potential gift had been in the works for years as Mr. Warner and his team consulted and worked with then Mayor Aceves and the city planners on ways to preserve the Barnsdall station for its highest and best use for the community. Warner determined the best, most enduring path for the future of the station is to put it in the hands of the city in perpetuity.

Once the official transfer is complete, the City of Goleta plans to provide a thorough property assessment and work with local experts, historians and residents in determining the next steps for the site.  Whatever they turn out to be, the structure will be honored and preserved.

Built in 1929, the Barnsdall-Rio Grande Gas Station originally served as the entrance to Barnsdall oil field that dominated the coastline at that time. Its compelling design is the product of the initiative by Pearl Chase to improve the appearance of filling stations.

The station was abandoned by the 1950s, yet garnered more fame used in the remake of the movie “The Postman Always Rings Twice” in 1980.

I Saw a Tarball, What Should I Do?

Following the oil spill and the subsequent response, the City has received many questions about how to report tarballs on our beaches.  The protocol for reporting sightings of oil or tar releases in the ocean or on City beaches are as follows:

1. Federal Notification: Call the National Response Center (NRC) 24 hour hotline at (800)-424-8802.

2. State Notification: Call the California Office of Emergency Services (OES), California State Warning Center at (800) 852-7550 or (916) 845-8911.

3. State Beach Seep Report – A beach seep report should be filled-out (https://www.countyofsb.org/ceo/oem.sbc) and submitted to the California State Lands Commission via email to Jack.Smith@slc.ca.gov. The form can also be downloaded from https://www.countyofsb.org/ceo/oem.sbc.

4. Local Notification: Email the City at awells@cityofgoleta.org, vadomaitis@cityofgoleta.org, and earndt@sbcoem.org.

Short-Term Rental Ordinance Now in Effect

The Goleta City Council passed a short-term rental ordinance earlier this year and it went into effect on July 1.  The City is asking for your help in registering your vacation rental.  This ordinance will help protect and preserve the residential character of neighborhoods where vacation rentals operate. Some of the goals behind the adoption of the ordinance were to provide the City and law enforcement better tools to properly regulate these uses as well as create a registry that could track where and how many of these uses have been permitted.  The ordinance also provides a mechanism for people to object to a permit before and after it has been issued.

The City’s Vacation Rental Ordinance requires that all applicants do the following:

  • Demonstrate proof that properties within 200 feet have been notified of a permit application
  • Provide a “nuisance response plan” which includes contact information for the property owner and a local person who can respond 24/7 to the property in the event of a complaint
  • Show proof of a business license

For more information and to download the appropriate forms, click here.


Parking Restrictions Under Consideration for Halloween

During the 6 p.m. session on Tuesday, August 18, the City Council will consider implementing a temporary resident-only parking permit program during Halloween weekend.  The Council is interested in hearing your feedback on how the program worked last year during Halloween and this year during Deltopia.  Please plan to attend the meeting or email your feedback to parkingfeedback@cityofgoleta.org and it will be summarized and presented to the Council during the meeting.  If you choose to email comments, it would be helpful to know if you live in the parking-restricted area.

Registration Open for the Third Annual Dam Dinner

Goleta’s Third Annual Dam Dinner is Saturday, August 22 from 5-7 p.m. at the Lake Los Carneros and we already have over 250 people registered. Join your friends and neighbors for a casual meal while enjoying music and our beautiful surroundings. Bring your dinner or purchase one from the food truck.   If you’re so inclined, bring a dessert to share. Water, beer & wine will be sold. Your registration at GoletaDamDinner helps us plan for setting up enough tables and chairs.

A new and improved Dam Dinner t-shirt will be available shortly for $10.

Community service credits can be earned by volunteering.  Contact Dacia at dacia@goletahistory.org to volunteer.

Like our page on Facebook and use #ohDam to share the event.





Update on Public Improvements at Hollister & Storke

If you use the intersection of Hollister Avenue and Storke Road, you’ve seen some changes to the traffic pattern and additional equipment on site. In order to keep you apprised of the important construction activities in this area, the City has developed an email/text notification list specific to these projects.  Text GOLETA STORKE to 468311 to subscribe or sign up on our website.  Subscriptions for this list (Storke/Hollister Improvements) and more than 30 other topics can be managed here.

Last week the contractor completed the median removal work on Storke Road.  Work in the coming days will focus on the east side of Storke.  They will be altering the signal median island and widening northbound Storke to create a wider transition lane for vehicles turning right onto northbound Storke.  In addition, modifications to the storm drains will be constructed.  Traffic control will remain in place for the next four weeks while these changes are made.  During the week (Monday-Thursday), crews will be working day and night shifts to shorten the duration of the inconvenience to motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.  On Fridays, crews will only work the day shift.

Once these activities are completed, the signal median island and the traffic signals will need to be modified.  This work will be done during the evening hours to minimize traffic impacts.

Please use Los Carneros or Cathedral Oaks/Hollister in order to reduce the traffic volumes through the construction area.

There are six improvement projects planned for the Storke/Hollister intersection. Some of these improvements are paid for through by the developers through developer fees and others through the Goleta Transportation Improvement Program (GTIP) fees.  You can read more about these projects here. The projects are being sequenced to minimize the public impact and decrease the duration of the construction.

We appreciate your patience as we work to complete these needed improvements.


Ice in Paradise Facility

Community Skating Rink Scheduled to Open in September

Ice in Paradise ice skating arena is scheduled to open this September 2015! Following their November 2014 groundbreaking, construction has progressed at a rapid pace and they are still on schedule for a grand opening this fall. The ice skating arena will include two rinks: one NHL size (200’x85’) rink and a smaller (100’ x 60’) rink and a homework center. The programs they will provide include: daily public skating sessions, learn to skate classes, youth and adult hockey, figure skating, adaptive ice sports, birthday parties and more.

The non-profit group Greater Santa Barbara Ice Skating Association (GSBISA) is pleased to offer Goleta and the entire Santa Barbara area a state-of-the-art ice skating facility to allow the community to skate with friends and family. Ice in Paradise will provide safe and supervised recreation for our youth and will be open year-round with day and evening hours.

Ice in Paradise recently received a program grant from the City of Goleta to support their “Public Skating and Learn to Skate” program. According to GSBISA Board President, Kathy Mintzer, “We are thrilled with the continued support of the City of Goleta to help us get closer to completing our fundraising”.

For more information, please go to www.iceinparadise.org.


Stage 3 Water Restrictions Go Into Effect

On May 12, 2015, the Goleta Water District Board of Directors declared a Stage III Water Shortage, with mandatory water use restrictions and changes to watering times.  After four years of severe drought and an historic lack of rainfall, water conservation is critical to ensure adequate supplies for drinking, health and public safety.  As we enter another summer of drought, the District is targeting a 35% district-wide reduction in water usage.

NEW Stage III water use restrictions are now in effect:

  • No irrigation is allowed for 48 hours after it rains.
  • Manual watering (including sprinklers attached to a hose) is allowed before 8 a.m. or after 8 p.m., two days per week.

The following schedule applies to fixed irrigation (i.e. installed sprinkler systems):

  • Residential properties may water Wednesdays and Saturdays, before 6 a.m. or after 8 p.m.
  • Commercial and institutional properties may water Tuesdays and Fridays, before 6 a.m. or after 8 p.m.
  • Public parks, athletic fields, and golf courses may water no more than two days per week, before 6 a.m. or after 8 p.m.
  • Agricultural customers using overhead spray irrigation outdoors may water before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m.
  • Hoses must be equipped with a shut-off nozzle.  No watering sidewalks, pavement, or other hard surfaces.

Click here for the Stage III Water Shortage Emergency press release.

Exceptions to the water use restrictions may be granted under certain circumstances.

Enforcement and Penalties

Water use restrictions are in place at all times and actively enforced until such time that the District Board of Directors lifts the Stage III Water Shortage Declaration.  District enforcement always begins with education regarding the restrictions, and information about tools and resources available to assist customers in conserving water and complying with rules.

•    First Violation: Written warning
•    Second Violation: Notice of Violation
•    Third Violation: $100 fine
•    Fourth Violation: $250 fine
•    Subsequent Violations: $500 fine and possible installation of a meter flow restrictor or service termination

To report a possible leak, water runoff, or other water waste, please call (805) 964-6761 and press 2 to leave a message for District staff who will follow-up on the report, or send an email to conservation@goletawater.com.  Please include specifics such as the location or address, the nature of the problem, and the time and date the problem was observed.  Photos of the incidents are helpful and may be emailed to the above email address.

While a Stage III declaration establishes mandatory water use restrictions and prohibitions, the District is offering ways to help the community learn more about how they can conserve.  Click here for water conservation tips, resources and information.

The District has a number of conservation incentive and rebate programs, including rebates for water wise landscape installation, and other water efficient activities.  Customers are encouraged to consult the District for additional information on the programs. Please call (805) 964-6761 for more information.

Information provided by Goleta Water District.