Goleta Valley Art Association Presents Summer’s End

The Goleta Valley Art Association is moving ahead with celebrating its vision of ‘Bringing Art to the Community’ virtually. Be sure and check out “Summer’s End,” happening now online through November. “Summer’s End” features a collection of paintings from local award-winning artists. View the online show here to  look for something for yourself or a friend. You can even get a jump on your holiday shopping! #GoodLandGoodShopping

On August 21 the Goleta Valley Art Association hosted an all-day outdoor art show at La Cumbre Plaza in cooperation with the three galleries of the La Cumbre Center for Creative Arts (LCAAA). Several of the LCCCA artists also are members of GVAA. For the 15 years prior to 2020, the organization held its summer show at Stow House in Goleta. With no show in 2020 due to the pandemic, it gave the association pause to reconsider a new vision for the show. 

As the community cautiously begins to see schools back in session, GVAA is also looking forward to the day when members can continue a long-established after-school program for Goleta Union School District students. The program, still on hiatus, features GVAA members who go into the schools and teach art projects so children have the opportunity to develop and share their creative talents with the guidance of our members.

Click here to learn more about the Goleta Valley Art Association.

Pictured: Artwork by GVAA member Holly Hungett, “Breathe with the Earth” (above) and the GVAA Team right-to-left (below): Elizabeth Flanagan (President), Pat Heller (Events Coordinator), Terre Sanitate (Vice President), and Jan Smith (New Members Chair)


#VaccinateGoleta COVID-19 Update

As of August 30, 2021, 64.5% of eligible (12 years and older) Santa Barbara County residents are fully vaccinated. There is still a lot of work to do. Please help #VaccinateGoleta by getting vaccinated yourself if you haven’t already, and encourage your friends and family to do so. Mayor Paula Perotte and all of the Goleta City Council members share the importance of getting vaccinated in our #VaccinateGoleta video message available in English and Spanish.

Recent studies confirm that the Delta variant is spreading more quickly in those not fully vaccinated. Of the COVID-related hospitalizations between May and July, 88 percent are people who are unvaccinated people. Approximately one in three eligible community members is unvaccinated. An increase is being seen in children under the age of 12. The best way for families to keep young children safe is to ensure that everyone in the household who can gets vaccinated. View the Santa Barbara County Community Data Dashboard for more information and learn more about COVID-19 variants here.

For information on the vaccine, including walk-in Community Vaccination Clinics, or how to make an appointment at a local pharmacy, please visit https://publichealthsbc.org/vaccine/.

CA Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program Rounds 8 & 9

Round 8 for nonprofit cultural institutions is currently open; Round 9 for new and waitlisted applications opens September 9

California’s Office of the Small Business Advocate (CalOSBA), part of the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz), previously announced additional rounds for the California Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program.

Round 8: Nonprofit cultural institutions only
  • Application window: Friday, August 27 through Wednesday, September 8 
  • Eligible applicants: Only nonprofit cultural institutions of any revenue size that meet eligibility criteria found at CAReliefGrant.com.
  • Eligible grant award: $5,000 – $25,000
  • Details: Approximately $16 million remain under the Nonprofit Cultural Institutions Program. Eligible nonprofit cultural institutions must complete a new application even if they already applied in Rounds 1, 2, 5 or 6; nonprofit cultural institutions that applied in Round 4 do not need to reapply.  Grants will only be available to nonprofit cultural institutions that did not receive funding in any previous rounds. Grants will be prioritized based on the documented percentage revenue declines based on a reporting period comparing Q2 and Q3 of 2020 versus Q2 and Q3 of 2019.
Round 9: New Applicants and Waitlisted applicants from certain previous rounds
  • Application window: Thursday, September 9 through Thursday, September 30
  • Eligible applicants: Current waitlisted applicants from certain previous rounds and new applicants that meet eligibility criteria found at CAReliefGrant.com.
  • Eligible grant award: $5,000 – $25,000
  • Details: Applicants not selected to move forward in the review process in Rounds 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, or 7 do not need to re-apply and will be automatically moved into Round 9. New applicants will need to apply at CAReliefGrant.com.