Mayor Pro Tempore James Kyriaco presented the 2021 Spirit of Fiesta Ysabella Yturralde and 2021 Junior Spirit of Fiesta Savannah Hoover on June 17th with Certificates of Recognition at the beautiful Ranchera La Patera & Stow House. The performers, along with other local dancers, then participated in “Pop Up Performances” at several restaurants on Calle Real and the Camino Real Marketplace over the course of the next several days. While it wasn’t the traditional, large-scale Fiesta Ranchera event at Stow House that Goleta looks forward to each year, it was a great way celebrate Fiesta in Goleta and allowed many of our local restaurants and community members to participate. If you missed it, you can see the dancers perform August 4-8 during Old Spanish Days. Go to www.sbfiesta.org for more details and for a calendar of events. We will let you know if there are any performances in Goleta. Viva La Goleta!
Pictured: Mayor Pro Tempore James Kyriaco with Spirit of Fiesta Ysabella Yturralde
Pictured: Mayor Pro Tempore James Kyriaco with Junior Spirit of Fiesta Savannah Hoover