We know businesses have been hit hard by COVID-19, and wanted to make sure you were aware of the following loans/grants:
ReStart Loans Still Available for Goleta-Based Businesses
Goleta-based businesses are encouraged to apply for ReStart Loans up $25,000 each to provide support during the COVID-19 pandemic. The City of Goleta contributed $200,000 to support the small business loan program administered by Women’s Economic Venture (WEV). Goleta ReStart Loans are available to help Goleta-based businesses reopen and adapt to operating under proper public health guidelines due to COVID-19.
Loan applications are still being accepted and will be reviewed on a rolling basis until loan funds have been depleted. The application and additional information, including eligibility, is available at www.wevonline.org/loans-2/restart/. Haga clic aquí para obtener información en español.
The Shuttered Venue Operators Grant Opens April 8, 2021
The Shuttered Venue Operator Grant (SVOG), administered by the SBA’s Office of Disaster Assistance, offers grants for live venue operators, performing arts organizations, motion picture theater operators, cultural institutions and other eligible applicants. SVOG funding does not need to be repaid and can be used for specific expenses, such as payroll, rent, utilities and other costs. The program is set to open on Thursday, April 8th, 2021!
The U.S. Small Business Administration has created a portal to help eligible candidates apply for the Shuttered Venue Operations Grant when it opens. CLICK HERE to access the portal and sign-up to be informed when the application opens.
To learn more about this program including grant amounts, eligibility criteria, eligible funding uses and prioritization of awards CLICK HERE.
The Restaurant Revitalization Fund
The restaurant industry, more than any other industry in the nation, has suffered the most significant sales and job losses since the COVID-19 outbreak began. The new American Rescue Plan Act established a $28.6 billion “Restaurant Revitalization Fund” (RRF) within the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).
For more information on the Restaurant Revitalization Fund visit RestaurantsAct.com and review the Fund Fact Sheet HERE.