The Library’s July 1 Celebration was a big hit with more than 100 people coming out to enjoy the festivities! Kids were entertained by popular book characters Gerald and Piggie, face painting and balloon animals. Everyone got to watch the 3-D printer in action, and now, patrons can submit their own designs using a form found at the library’s new website www.GoletaValleyLibrary.org. The ribbon-cutting ceremony brought everyone to the front lawn to hear from City Staff and Council. Thank you to everyone that turned out!
If you have not gotten your new Goleta Valley Library card, please remember to do so. Now that the Goleta Valley Library is an independent library, all patrons with Goleta Valley Library as their home library need a new card in order in order to check out material or access electronic resources. The new Goleta Valley Library cards will work at any Santa Barbara County Public Library and you may continue to pick up your hold requests at any library you prefer. To get your new library card, visit the Goleta Valley Library (500 N. Fairview Avenue).
Find out the latest library information by visiting the new website at www.GoletaValleyLibrary.org, signing up to receive e-newsletters and liking our new Library Facebook page @GoletaLibrary.