You can be a part of Goleta’s pickleball pilot program! Considered America’s fastest-growing sport, pickleball is played by two to four players and combines elements of tennis, badminton and ping pong. It can be played indoors or outdoors on a badminton sized court with a modified (lower) tennis net. Participants use a hard paddle/racket and a perforated plastic ball.
Goleta pickleball enthusiasts who were traveling outside of City limits to play urged the Parks & Recreation Commission to consider a pilot program in Goleta to track local interest and attract new local players. At their request, a pilot program on a newly resurfaced tennis court at Evergreen Park began in late March. The pilot program will determine if Goleta residents are as crazy about pickleball as the rest of America, and if a permanent court should be installed.
In order to track usage, it is important that the City knows how often the pickleball court is being used along with geographic information of the players. Every time you use the court, please let our Parks & Recreation Manager Joanne Plummer know. You can email her at jplummer@cityofgoleta.org or goletapickleball@gmail.com, send her a note in the mail to City Hall, 130 Cremona Drive, Suite B, or call her at (805) 562-5505. Please include the following information: your name, street you live on, the date and timeframe you were using the court, and how many people were playing with you. This information will allow us to determine the need, as well as location, of a permanent court in the future.