Everyone who lives, works or plays in Old Town is encouraged to provide feedback on the Hollister Avenue Complete Streets project by attending our workshops and/or taking our survey (available in English and Spanish).
Please join us to discuss how to improve the quality of life in Old Town by making Hollister Avenue appealing to walk, cycle, drive, shop and dine. The first community workshop on the Hollister Avenue Complete Streets project will be April 13, 2017, from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at the Goleta Valley Community Center (5679 Hollister Avenue). The project is aimed at developing a plan that will:
- Make Old Town street safer for all travel modes
- Reduce cut-through traffic through Old Town
- Provide safe and convenient connections to residents, employees, and visitors using all modes of transportation
- Improve the quality of life by making Hollister Avenue appealing to walk, cycle, drive, shop and dine
As part of CycleMAYnia, please join us on May 6 for a WalkBikeGOleta Tour in Old Town. Participants can join either a walking group or biking group for a tour of Old Town where they will be able to give input on areas of concern for walking / cycling and share their vision for the future of Old Town. More details to come.
To receive updates on this project via email or text sign up at http://tinyurl.com/goletasubscriptions. To learn more about this project go to www.goletacompletestreets.com.