Changes are being made all over Goleta as private development projects approved by the City’s General Plan begin construction. A number of projects are underway or expected to break ground before the end of the year. Here’s an overview of what you’ll see. The numbers listed below correspond to the map on page 5.
Building activity will begin near Sandpiper Golf Course as the Haskell’s Landing – 1 gets underway. This project includes 102 units of single family, duplex and triplex residential units. Site grading is to begin in September 2012 followed by construction through Fall 2014.
The Bluffs – 2 along the Ellwood coast consists of 62 single-family residences. The completion of the final 24 homes is underway. Construction is anticipated to be completed in Winter 2013.
The Hotel Marriott Courtyard – 3 is complete and open for business. A ribbon-cutting was held on August 23 and guests can now make reservations for one of 106 rooms and suites. It has a meeting space and beautiful outdoor patio for guests to enjoy.
Ice in Paradise – 4 is hoping to break ground by the end of this year so that ice skaters throughout the region will have some place to show their figure-skating style, slap a puck and enjoy another opportunity for recreation. Ice in Paradise will be home to two ice rinks, a main regulation hockey rink and a The rink will be located at 6985 Santa Felicia Drive, just to the west of Storke Road and adjacent to Girsh Park. Construction is expected to last seven to nine months.
Construction on Deckers Outdoor Corporation’s – 5 worldwide headquarters is moving along with grading at the corner of Hollister Avenue and Los Carneros Road. These are the first buildings at Cabrillo Business Park with several to follow in the coming years. Road work on Hollister Avenue will continue into the new year and these improvements are part of the development agreement with Cabrillo Business Park. Construction of the Deckers buildings will last through Summer 2013.
One hundred condominium units have just been approved at Willow Springs II – 6. This project is located north of Willow Springs I on the parcel south of Highway 101 and east of Los Carneros Road. Construction is expected to take a year.
Construction of the Goleta Valley Cottage Hospital – 7 is significantly underway. Construction of the adjacent Medical Office Building at the corner of Hollister/ Patterson Avenues is anticipated to begin by the start of 2013. While the new facilities are being constructed, the existing facilities must be kept open, which results in a longer construction timeline. After the new facilities are constructed, the existing facilities
are to be demolished and landscaping will be installed. Construction activities associated with the hospital are anticipated to last through the end of 2014. Construction activities associated with the Medical Office Building are expected to last 12 to 18 months.
The Planning Department is processing a number of other projects as well. The most commonly asked question is about whether a Target will be coming to Goleta. The Target Corporation is working on an application for the City to process. Once it has been resubmitted, it could take several years to work itself through the City’s review process.
If you would like to be notified of future public meetings regarding this project, please email Scott Kolwitz, Senior Planner (skolwitz@cityofgoleta.org), Senior Planner, to be added to the interested parties list.
The roundabout at Los Carneros and Calle Real – 8 is anticipated to be completed shortly, and construction of the San Jose Creek Capacity Improvement Project – 9 is on schedule for completion in late 2013. See article on page 3 for information about our new project videos.
Evergreen Park – 10 has recently undergone some upgrades. The City’s contractor removed the existing outdated play structure and sand play area and installed new playground equipment and safety surface to make a safer place for our youth to play.
Information about all of the City’s Capital Improvement Projects can be found at www.ProjectGoleta.com.