Monday, March 18 at 11:00 a.m. in Old Town
You’re invited to be a part of Goleta history. On March 18, 2024, at 11:00 a.m., the City will break ground on the largest capital improvement project in the City’s 22-year existence. Join us at 5551 Hollister Avenue (at the parking lot located before SB Hwy 217 on-ramp) in Old Town Goleta to kick off construction for Project Connect. The multi-year project will enhance pedestrian access and safety, improve road conditions, and build critical linkage throughout Goleta while increasing stormwater flow capacity in San Jose Creek under Hollister Bridge.
Councilmember James Kyriaco (District 2) said, “The start of construction is an important milestone for the City of Goleta and one that we look forward to celebrating. Comprehensive projects, like Project Connect, bring impactful improvements, and align regional goals.”
This milestone event will bring together local officials, community leaders, project stakeholders and residents to celebrate this transformative project. Attendees can expect to hear from the Mayor and representatives from collaborative agencies who have played and will continue to play key roles in shaping this project and seeing it to completion. The comments will be followed by a ceremonial groundbreaking photo/video opportunity. Spanish interpretation will be available. On-site parking is limited, and carpooling is encouraged. Additional parking is available at Jonny D. Wallis Neighborhood Park or on S. Kellogg Ave.
There are many aspects to this comprehensive project which include:
- Hollister Avenue Bridge & Roundabout Project – Construction of two roundabouts at the Hollister Ave./State Route 217 ramp intersection to improve traffic flow. Additionally, a new bridge will be built over San Jose Creek to achieve 100-year storm flow capacity.
- Ekwill Street & Fowler Road Extension Projects – Improve east-west circulation north and south of Hollister Avenue, providing direct connections to portions of Old Town Goleta and the Santa Barbara Airport.
During construction, lane closures and detours will be in place. All businesses along the project alignment will remain open. Please show your support for our Old Town businesses during construction.
The City understands that long-term projects such as this one can be inconvenient for those who live in, visit, or have businesses in the area. We appreciate your patience in advance and look forward to the positive impact that will be felt for years to come as a result of this project.
To stay updated on project milestones, traffic impacts, and other important Project Connect information go to the City’s website: www.CityofGoleta.org/ProjectConnect.
For additional information or questions, please contact: Connect@CityofGoleta.org or 805-690-5116.
We hope to see you at the Project Connect Groundbreaking on March 18th!