Shop GoodLandGoodShopping.com for Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to show your love for Goleta by shopping local. We encourage you to go to GoodLandGoodShopping.com to purchase digital gift cards for meals, services and more at locally owned businesses and merchants. This makes a great gift for loved ones or a nice way to treat yourself!
To promote GoodLandGoodShopping this Valentine’s Day, the City is highlighting each of our GoodLandGoodShopping.com vendors on our social media sites (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). Look for a spotlight every day on our channels from now through February 14th.
We are so appreciative of our awesome Goleta businesses that offer us much to love year – here’s a chance to show them some love! Make sure you visit www.GoodLandGoodShopping.com to view a list of registered local Goleta merchants to find one-of-a-kind gifts.
If you are a Goleta business and haven’t signed up to be a part of GoodLandGoodShopping, it’s not too late. All you need to do is go to https://www.goodlandgoodshopping.com/signup and follow the simple steps.
For questions about GoodLandGoodShopping.com and how to participate, email websupport@giftbar.com or call 866-989-5580. If you have questions for the City, email Kelly Hoover at PIO@cityofgoleta.org. And remember to follow us on social media (@cityofgoleta) for Valentine’s Day gift ideas!