COVID-19 Vaccine Update and Anticipation of June 15th!

The County is moving in the right direction with more and more people getting their vaccinations. Per County Public Health, if the downward trend in metrics continues, we can anticipate moving to the long-awaited yellow tier on June 9th.  Then on June 15th, the Governor is expected to get rid of the colored tier system altogether and lift the mask mandate. 

While we are still waiting on specific guidelines from the state, here is a look at what life may look like beyond June 15th:

Vaccinations are the key to moving forward. The COVID-19 vaccine is free and readily available throughout Santa Barbara County. Everyone ages 12 and over is eligible to be vaccinated. Minors are only eligible for the Pfizer vaccine and must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Vaccination appointments can be made using the states My Turn vaccination scheduler, a Community Vaccination Clinic, or Local Pharmacy. If you still need a vaccine, please go to or call 2-1-1. 

Currently more than 50% of the eligible population is vaccinated. In order to reach herd immunity, Public Health is striving to get 80% of the eligible population vaccinated by July.

Let’s Give it a Shot Goleta, the best vaccine is the one available to you! Hear from your Mayor and City Council on why it’s important to get vaccinated in our #VaccinateGoleta video message.

#GoletaGraduates Spotlight on Vinesh Manian

What a year this has been for students, parents and educators with remote learning and then moving to in-person learning for the end of the year. While we know our seniors didn’t get the year they were hoping for, we are glad they were able to celebrate a reimagined prom and graduation.

Congratulations to all of our #GoletaGraduates. While we are so proud of you all, we want to take time out to highlight a senior in particular for his service to our City.

Vinesh Manian, a 2021 Dos Pueblos High School graduate, served as the first Youth Commissioner on the City’s Public Engagement Commission (PEC) for the past three years. He also participated in the Dos Pueblos Engineering Academy and the Golf Team. Vinesh is also the proud leader of Riptide Robotics, a local FIRST Tech Challenge Team.

Community Relations Manager Kelly Hoover said, “Vinesh has been an important voice on the PEC Commission and has brought fresh perspectives and feedback to the Commission that we wouldn’t have had without his participation. It has been important to make sure we are resonating with the entire community, including our youth, and he has helped make sure we are doing that.”

He said, “I initially applied for the Youth Public Engagement Commissioner position because I wanted to do something to give back to my community. I have really enjoyed working with my fellow Commissioners on some very cool projects such as the Census. The skills I have learned in this position will help throughout my lifetime and I am very grateful for the opportunity I have had.”

We wish Vinesh the best of luck as he moves on to UC Riverside where he will major in Materials Science and Engineering. Vinesh your future is bright! Thank you for all you have done for Goleta!

The City is looking for a student to fill our soon-to-be vacant Youth Position on the PEC Commission, if you are interested, click here.