The Hollister Class I Bike Path has been named Santa Barbara County Project of the Year by the Santa Barbara-Ventura Branch of ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)! Construction was completed on Goleta’s newest multi-use path in early January. The 14-foot wide concrete path along Hollister Avenue from Pacific Oaks Road to Ellwood Elementary School makes travel to and from the school more accessible for students living in the area, and also serves UCSB students, recreational riders and commuters. The path promotes active and sustainable transportation for all.
In order to construct the multi-use path, Hollister Avenue was re-striped and the existing median islands were reconstructed. The path is open to pedestrians, bicyclists, skateboarders and scooter riders. A community meeting was held at the end of January and attendees were educated on how to safely use the new bike path, reviewed what the markings and signage mean, and learned how bicyclists and pedestrians can better share the space. In addition, through a partnership with COAST (Coalition for Sustainable Transportation), every classroom at Ellwood School took a walk along the path with a COAST representative to learn first-hand how to safely use the new path.
Helpful information to know about the path includes:
- The class two bike lane remains along the roadway on Hollister Avenue for experienced cyclists who choose not to use the new path.
- The new path contains separate lanes for riders and pedestrians. Riders must stay in the designated lanes (marked with a bicycle) while pedestrians can walk anywhere on the path. There is also a designated lane for pedestrians that riders cannot enter. Please use good judgement when using the path as all this is a new type of path for many and people are still learning.
- Riders and walkers are expected to stop at the stop signs placed at intersections along the path.
- The crosswalk is an extension of the multi-use path and the same rules must be followed. Areas of the crosswalk are designated for walkers (white and red striped lines) and riders (green circles), please use the correct one.
- Make yourself visible and take safety precautions.