The Design Review Board (DRB) is looking for a few good people. If you have opinions on the visual aesthetics of this town, then this is the board for you. The seven-member body is responsible for encouraging development exemplifying the best professional design practices in order to enhance the visual quality of the environment and prevent poor quality of design. There are currently three vacancies on the DRB: one professionally licensed architect, one licensed Landscape Architect or Landscape Contractor, and one At-Large Member (must reside within City limits). Members of the DRB are appointed to a three-year term. The DRB meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 3:00 p.m., and the position is compensated $50 per meeting. If you are interested, please complete the application by 5:00 p.m. on September 11, 2017. Applications must be returned to Deborah Lopez, City Clerk, before the deadline for consideration.