… a number of active projects within the City of Goleta.
Here’s a short update on some of them (as of early September):
San Jose Creek Project The work within the creek should be completed by the end of October, while some of the improvements outside the creek are slated to be completed by the end of the year. Work outside of the creek includes roadway improvements on South Kellogg Avenue and landscaping in the project area.
Hollister Avenue Bridge Replacement This project is phase 2 of the San Jose Creek Project and will replace the bridge over the creek on Hollister Avenue. This is in the preliminary engineering and environmental review phase and will likely begin in late 2014 or early 2015.
Ekwill Fowler Roads Extensions Project This project to improve traffic circulation in Old Town is in final design, and the City is working with external agencies on permitting. The anticipated start date is late 2014 or early 2015.
Los Carneros Overhead Bridge Replacement Project This project will replace the Los Carneros overhead bridge. The construction contract will likely be awarded this fall, and the project will begin soon thereafter. Methacrylate Deck Sealing Project The City will be sealing seven bridges to prevent further water damage. Completion will take place over several weeks during the fall.
Las Vegas/San Pedro Culvert Project This Caltrans project will replace the culvert under Calle Real and Highway 101 near Fairview Avenue. While the project is underway, the Fairview northbound on-ramp is expected to be closed for 12-18 months, and the Fairview southbound on-ramp is expected to be closed for six months. Caltrans put the project out for bid in September and work is expected to begin this fall. The City will be working closely with Caltrans to distribute information about the project.
A number of other projects are in the works, including:
• A flashing beacon on Cathedral Oaks at Santa Marguerita
• A HAWK signal on Hollister Avenue near Wendy’s
• Bike lanes
• Sidewalk improvements and more
Project descriptions and information can be found at www.ProjectGoleta.com.
Some of the private projects within the City include:
Westar This mixed-use project on Hollister Avenue across from Camino Real Marketplace will be named Hollister Village. It will include 266 apartments and a retail center. Grading should be underway shortly. Offsite traffic improvements include numerous roadway improvements to Hollister Avenue, Storke Road, the Hollister Avenue/Storke Road intersection, a bus turnout just west of the Camino Real Marketplace/Hollister Avenue intersection and a new traffic signal at the Glen Annie Road/Hollister Avenue intersection. The project is expected to be completed in 2015. For more information, visit www.HollisterVillage.com.
Cabrillo Business Park The public roadway improvements and landscaping on Hollister Avenue and Los Carneros Road have been completed. The first four buildings of the business park will be ready by early 2014 for the new world headquarters of Deckers Outdoor Corporation. The new traffic signals at Coromar Drive and Discovery Drive should be activated later this fall.
The Hideaway/Haskell’s Landing On the western end of the City, 101 units will be built near the Winchester Canyon exit off Highway 101. These will include single family, duplex and triplex units. Five model units are under construction and will be ready by the end of this year. The remaining units for sale will be built out over the next year or two in response to sales demand.
Target The Target Corporation completed their application requirements with the City in August. The next step is the completion of an environmental review document (EIR). This process takes approximately a year.
Willow Springs II Construction is underway on the Willow Springs II project. This 100-unit housing project has one, two, and three bedroom apartments spread over almost five acres. It will be connected to the existing apartments with an open space.