Show Goleta Love During Self-Guided Cleanup Month

Report Results for a Chance to Win Eco-Friendly Prizes

Show some love to your favorite park, open space, neighborhood, creek, or beach throughout the entire month of February by participating in the City’s Beautify Goleta Self-Guided Cleanup Month! Unlike previous Beautify Goleta events that take place on Saturday mornings throughout the year, all of February is a Beautify Goleta Self-Guided Cleanup Month. 

Grab your buckets, gloves, and a good pair of walking shoes, and pick up litter where you want, when you want. Help keep our streets, neighborhoods, and parks and open spaces clean and healthy. Please do not pick up litter on private property without getting permission from the property owner first. Schedule a time to pick up trash with friends and family, go on your lunch break, or while walking your dog. Participate at your own pace – just once or as many times as you can throughout the month.

Participants are encouraged to report information about the trash they pick up to the City using this online form. You can also email your results to Collecting data is a crucial component in helping measure the amount of litter collected throughout the City of Goleta. All participants who use the online form will be entered into a prize drawing for the categories below: 

  1. Grand Prize Drawing with All Participants (3 Winners)
  2. Prize for picking up the most trash by weight (1 Winner)
  3. Prize for the most number of cleanups throughout the month (1 Winner)

All prizes encourage waste reduction. Prizes include stainless steel bento boxes, beeswax wrap, reusable cutlery sets, and more! All prizes will be announced by the City the week of March 3rd. Visit our social media channels (@cityofgoleta) to see who won!

Before you participate in a cleanup, please review our Self-Guided Cleanup Cheat Sheet, our Cleanup Safety Guidance, and our list of Helpful Contacts.

Need Equipment? The City has trash grabbers, gloves, trash bags, and buckets that can be checked out for free. Email to schedule a pickup time.  

We hope you’ll spread the love this February by making Goleta a cleaner, healthier place to live. Learn more about Beautify Goleta at