Halloween Parking Restrictions Back this Year

Over the years, the City of Goleta has heard from our residents about the negative impacts of Isla Vista Halloween on our neighborhoods, particularly those closest to Isla Vista.  The City is once again implementing a temporary resident-only permit parking program.

Please join us for a community meeting on the City’s activities in preparation for the impacts of Isla Vista Halloween and the temporary permit-only parking permit program for residents.  Thursday, October 15 from 6-7 p.m. at Goleta City Hall, 130 Cremona Drive, Suite B.

Parking Program FAQs

Each household in the affected neighborhoods will be issued two permits for residents to park on the street during Halloween weekend.  Residents are encouraged to park in their garages or driveways as well.  Only residents with valid permits will be able to park on the streets in this area between 7 p.m. on Friday, October 30 to 7 a.m. on Saturday, October 31 and 7 p.m. on Saturday, October 31 to 7 a.m. on Sunday, November 1. Vehicles without permits will be cited and towed at the owner’s expense.

What area does this program cover? Hollister Avenue to the southern City limit (Whittier Drive), from Cannon Green Drive to Storke Road.

Halloween Map_revised

How do I get my permit? Permits will be delivered via U.S. mail before October 26.  If you do not receive yours, please contact our Neighborhood Services Department at 961-7556 to make arrangements for a replacement.

Is there a permit fee? No.

What should I do with the permit once I receive it? Each permit has an address and permit number.  Write in the license plate number of the vehicle you plan to park on the street.  Tape the permit to the inside of the driver’s side window by 7 p.m. on Friday, October 30.

I have more than two vehicles that need to be parked on the street.  Can I obtain another permit? Yes.  Please contact our Neighborhood Services Department at 961-7556 prior to noon on October 30 to make arrangements.

Will access to my neighborhood be restricted? Message boards will be placed at major intersections with entrances to the resident-only parking area.  Law enforcement officers and tow trucks will be visible during the weekend as these parking restrictions are enforced. However no road access will be restricted.

I have a guest coming into town during this weekend, can they be issued a permit?  No.  This program is for our residents-only.  Your guest can park in your driveway and you can use a permit to park your vehicle on the street.

My child has a soccer game at Girsh Park over the weekend, where should I park? Parking restrictions are in effect during the evening and overnight hours, daytime events at Girsh Park should not be impacted.

The parking lots at Girsh Park and Camino Real Marketplace will be open to the public during daylight hours.

A vehicle is parked on my street without a permit, who should I call? Please call  9-1-1 and the dispatcher will take the information and route it to a deputy for action.

I live outside this area and have seen the impacts in my neighborhood.  What can be done about the parking and other nuisances related to the Isla Vista Halloween event?  The City has been working with UCSB and the County of Santa Barbara to address the impacts on our community. If you have feedback, please send it to neighborhoodservices@cityofgoleta.org.

For all other questions, Please Contact the City’s Neighborhood Services Department at 961-7556.

Goleta Named One of the Top 100 Best Places to Live (Again!)

The City of Goleta has been named one of the Top 100 Best Places to Live 2016 by Livability.com. Over the past three years, Livability.com has looked at more than 2,100 cities with populations between 20,000 and 350,000 and ranked the top 100. This is the second year Goleta has placed in the Top 100.

The list is an exclusive, independent, editorial ranking by Livability.com. Livability.com collaborated with world-renowned urbanist Richard Florida and assistant clinical professor Steven Pedigo from the Initiative for Creativity and Innovation in Cities at NYU School of Professional Studies, EMSI and its board of advisors in shaping our methodology and the framework by which we rank the cities.

“Each of theses cities is a great place to live,” says Matt Carmichael, Livability’s editor. “Not every city is perfect for everyone, of course, but these are the top 5 percent, and somewhere in the Top 100, you’ll find a great fit to call your best place.”

Goleta’s good housing options, strong schools and engaged citizenry make it one of the Best Places to Live. For more information visit www.livability.com/ca/goleta.

Are You Storm Ready?

The City of Goleta is preparing for an “El Niño” season this fall and winter. Weather forecasters are expecting that Southern California, including the Central Coast, will face one of the most severe El Niños.

What is El Niño?

The term El Niño refers to the weather pattern linked to a periodic warming in sea surface temperatures across large parts of the Pacific Ocean.

Typical El Niño effects are likely to develop over North America during the upcoming winter season. Those include warmer-than-average temperatures over western and central Canada, and over the western and northern United States. Forecasters predict a strong possibility of increased rain as a result.

What can you do to prepare?

Know your Flood Risk!

Protecting yourself today means having sources for information, preparing your home or workplace, developing an emergency communications plan, and knowing what to do when a flood is approaching your home or business. Taking action today can save lives and property!

  • Learn whether you live, work or travel through areas that are prone to flooding. To help communities understand their risk of flooding, FEMA creates flood maps to show the locations of high-risk, moderate-to-low-risk, and undetermined risk areas. Consider purchasing flood insurance if you are in a flood plain. To check your flood risk, go to www.FloodSmart.gov.
  • Flood Insurance – Purchasing flood insurance provides financial protection for the cost of repairs due to flood damage. Standard insurance policies do not cover flooding, but flood insurance is available for homeowners, renters and business owners through the National Flood Insurance Program.

Stay Informed!

  • The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will release updated floor maps that show new changes in some areas in our community. With the release of the new maps, some property owners will learn that their risk is higher or lower than they thought. Be sure to check www.FloodSmart.gov for more information.
  • Have important City and County contact numbers close at hand. Click on the link below for a summary of contact numbers and a list of other local resources that will help you prepare for the rainy season.

Prepare Now!

  • Make or update your emergency kit including important documents, medication and emergency contact information.
  • The City of Goleta offers community training and education opportunities on emergency preparedness. For more information, click here.
  • Think about how you will stay informed if there is a power outage. Have extra batteries for a battery-operated radio and your cell phone. Consider having a hand crank radio or cell phone charger.
  • Know your evacuation routes, plan your transportation and a place to stay. The safest way to survive a flood is to evacuate the area if advised to leave. To ensure that you will be able to act quickly should the need arise, you need to plan ahead.

Important Information

  • Sandbag Information – As in past years, the City of Goleta will coordinate with County of Santa Barbara Flood Control to have sandbags available at Fire Station 14 located at 320 Los Carneros Road.

Homeowner Flood Preparation Information


Don’t Panic! Get Prepared…

If a large-scale disaster occurs in our area, what will you do? What if the emergency responders are overwhelmed and can’t help you right away? If you have to leave your house, where will you go? September is National Preparedness Month, which is a great time to review your family’s emergency plans, update your emergency kits, and make sure your family is ready for an emergency. Don’t know where to start? Goleta Prepare Now was created to help our community prepare for the next disaster by following three steps: Be informed. Get a kit. Make a plan.

Be Informed

Information is a valuable resource during an emergency, and just as valuable before an emergency occurs. Gathering information is key to forming an emergency plan that meets all of your family’s needs.

  • Learn what type of disasters your area might experience.
  • Find out the disaster plans for your workplace and your child’s school.
  • Identify evacuation routes from your home, place of work, neighborhood and town.
  • Know where and how to turn off home utilities.
  • Register for local emergency alerts, like Goleta City Alert and Reverse 911.

Get a Kit

A disaster kit should include food, water, and supplies to sustain your family for at least three days. Goleta Prepare Now’s Shop for Your Kit campaign encourages shoppers to buy emergency kit supplies during regular trips to the grocery and hardware stores. Here are the basics: (For comprehensive lists of supplies for disaster kits, see GoletaPrepareNow.org.)

  • One gallon of water per person, per day, for at least three days
  • Three-day supply of non-perishable food (and tools to open the containers)
  • Copies of important documents in a water-proof container (insurance policies, financial information, identification, medical records)
  • Radio with extra batteries, preferably hand-cranked and/or solar powered
  • First-aid kit
  • Flashlights
  • Dust masks
  • Multi-purpose tool
  • Blankets
  • Personal hygiene products (wipes, hand sanitizer)
  • Cell phone charger
  • Special needs items (infant needs, medical supplies, pet care items)

Make a plan

The nature of an emergency is that it is unexpected. All members of your family may not be together when an emergency occurs. How will you communicate with family members if the phone lines are jammed? What will happen if you are at work or your child is at school? Families can prepare for these situations by creating a communication plan.

  • Identify family meeting places: one near your house, and one outside the neighborhood.
  • Select out-of-town and out-of-state emergency contacts, and make sure everyone in the family knows their phone numbers.
  • Write down important medical information for each member of your family (blood type, allergies, medications, doctor’s name and contact information).
  • Arrange for help evacuating, if needed.
  • Talk about your plan with your family. Make sure your children understand what to do in case of an emergency.

For help talking to your children about emergency preparedness, visit Ready.gov or Sesame Street’s Let’s Get Ready website (SesameStreet.org/Ready).  For additional information on emergency preparedness in Goleta, contact Luz Reyes-Martin at 805-961-7558 or email lreyesmartin@cityofgoleta.org


Connect with the City of Goleta for emergency alerts: http://www.cityofgoleta.org/i-want-to/sign-up-for/stay-connected

Goleta’s Neighborhood Network: http://www.nextdoor.com

SB County Sheriff’s Office: http://sbsheriff.org/

Reverse 911 Registration: http://sbsheriff.org/reverse911a.html

American Red Cross – Santa Barbara County Chapter: http://sbredcross.org

FEMA’s Ready campaign: http://Ready.gov

Sesame Street’s Let’s Get Ready: http://sesamestreet.org/ready


City Prepares for Anticipated Winter Storms

Even though the temperature is still high and the skies are still dry, preparations for the anticipated El Nino are well underway.  The staff at the City has been working on the winter storm preparation and response plan to address four main areas:

1. Pre-storm threat assessment, resource acquisition, and preventive maintenance

2. Incident protocol and response

3. Public outreach prior to and during incidents

4. Post-incident recovery and restoration

The City Council will hear a report on the plan and provide input at its meeting on October 6 at 1:30 p.m.  To read the staff report, click here.


To sign up for emergency alerts via email/text in English, visit https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAGOLETA/subscriber/new or text Goleta Emergency to 468311.  To register for alerts via landline or cell phone, call 805-961-7500, email GoletaCityAlert@cityofgoleta.org.  Finally, to sign up for email/text alerts in Spanish, visit https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAGOLETA/subscriber/new and check Goleta en Espanol or text Goleta Spanish to 468311.
