New Children’s Room at Goleta Valley Library

Construction on the Goleta Valley Library’s Story Well room is underway! This much-loved area has been used for decades for children’s story-time and other fun activities. Due to the popularity of the library’s storytelling and reading programs, the room has become too small to accommodate its youngest patrons. It will be renovated into a multi-purpose children’s activity room that meets accessibility guidelines, provides shelving space for books, and includes tables that can be used for children’s activities such as tutoring services. Funding for this project is from the Friends of the Goleta Valley Library and a private donor, Karen Boysel. Karen is the mother of Jake Boysel, a young local boy tragically killed in a bicycle accident in 2006. The former story well room is being renovated and named in honor of Jake’s memory, and his joy of reading and spending time at the Goleta Valley Library. We anticipate it being completed and open to children again by mid-November.